Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is supplementary funding that all state funded schools receive to support the progress of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The total funding received, year on year, is proportionate to the number of students eligible, defined as:
- Students currently in receipt of free school meals.
- Students who have received free school meals within the last six years.
- Students who are adopted.
- Students who are in care.
- Students who have a parent serving in the armed forces.
How the funding is used is up to each individual school. However, schools are accountable for how it is spent and must demonstrate its impact.
Our Pupil Premium Strategy Objectives
- Ensure that the needs of disadvantaged students remain at the front of our minds as a school priority and that individual disadvantaged students are well known to staff and their needs well catered for.
- Create a positive school atmosphere and ethos where students from disadvantaged backgrounds feel valued as part of the school community.
- Develop students from disadvantaged backgrounds as confident and independent autonomous learners.
- Reduce/remove barriers to learning and inclusion for disadvantaged students.
- Students from disadvantaged backgrounds make at least expected progress as individuals.
- Students from disadvantaged backgrounds make as much progress as their more affluent peers both at QE and nationally.
Our Pupil Premium grant allocation and its impact
The link document below, provides information on how we allocate our Pupil Premium grant within our Pupil Premium strategy and its impact.