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Our Trust of Schools


Queen Elizabeth’s - Careers 2023-24

The intention of the Careers curriculum at Queen Elizabeth’s is to provide a careers programme that allows all students to make well-informed choices about their onward progression and career pathways.

The curriculum intends to raise their aspirations and encourage them to consider a broad range of careers. We hope that by inspiring every student through contacts with the world of work they will then be able to put into context other areas of their education and increase their motivation to learn.

During their time at Queen Elizabeth’s students will experience a range of careers related opportunities tailored to their individual needs and circumstances. This will include encounters of workplaces, and employers, an insight into further and higher education establishments and opportunities for personal careers guidance.

Queen Elizabeth’s follows the principles of the Gatsby Benchmarks, which set out a framework of good practice.

The careers programme at Queen Elizabeth’s is delivered through Personal Development lessons from Year 7 through to Year 11.

Through-out the careers programme students have the opportunity to:

  • To discuss their aspirations
  • Meet employers and gain experience of the real-life world of work
  • Make informed choices about their academic and career options
  • Create an action plan to help them meet their career goals
  • Develop an understanding of employability skills
  • Successfully manage key transitions

We have two independent careers advisors. Students in Year 10 are all invited to attend a careers interview but students in any year group can request an interview.

We arrange visits to National, Regional and Local careers events for groups of students, provide access to employers through assemblies in school and run school wide careers initiatives to encourage students to explore as many careers opportunities as possible.